Welcome to my online classroom!
The Grade Recovery assignments have been listed in Aleks. There is a total of 6 assignments. These assignments are optional, but if completed they will improve your grade. They are also great learning oppportunities to keep your Math skills sharp!
They are as follows:
Grade Recovery 1st 9 weeks
Complete 20 topics- 1st 9 weeks (these are not listed as an assignment, but will need to be completed on your own)
Grade Recovery 2nd 9 weeks
Complete 20 topics- 2nd 9 weeks (these are not listed as an assignment, but will need to be completed on your own)
Grade Recovery 3rd 9 weeks
Complete 20 topics- 3rd 9 weeks (these are not listed as an assignment, but will need to be completed on your own)
It is also a great idea to work on Exact Path. Under the Educational Websites tab on the left hand side my page, I have included links to Aleks, Exact Path, and Study Island.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at kmcbride@beau.k12.la.us. I hope everyone is staying safe and practicing Social Distancing. I miss everyone and can’t wait to see you!
Coach McBride